Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Xiao Xin!!!!! (Be Careful!!) -cont.

Did you know there is a nationwide epidemic in China? That’s right, manhole cover theft! Seriously! It takes about 4 of 5 guys to lift it and cart it away, but the money they get from the steel must be worth the effort. There was a write up in a recent National Geographic magazine on this. It’s crazy! I bring this up because I have experienced the effect that missing manhole covers can cause. Well, it was actually my friend who experienced it, but I had to watch. We were walking across the street this morning, she was texting, and suddenly she fell into an open manhole! It was like a cartoon episode where Daffy casually walks right into the hole, only not funny at all. Thankfully, one leg caught the edge and she didn’t go all the way in but her body was splayed half in and half out of the hole, and trucks were coming. I got them to stop and helped her back to the sidewalk. Apparently, nothing is broken, but she is in a lot of pain. I still can’t believe it happened, what a freakish thing.! She didn’t let that stop her though and we stayed out all day.
There’s more. Another friend was riding home last night when a semi came barreling out of nowhere right on his tail. Our friend started pumping for all he was worth to get out of the way and guess what? Repeat. The chain came off and he went down into a tuck and roll that took him just out of harm’s way. The truck never stopped.

But wait, that’s not all. (I sound like an infomercial, don’t I?) We met some friends for dinner tonight at a western restaurant, no, not steak and potatoes with peanuts on the floor, just western as in not Chinese. Afterward we came out to get on our bikes. Frank went to his and the others got theirs and suddenly I asked, “Frank, um, where’s mine?” STOLEN!!! Some little tiny Chinese butt is riding around on my nice extra wide cushioned seat that I just bought!!! AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!! They were all parked together and locked!...I didn’t like riding bikes anyway.
Frank walked his home so we could walk together. I really prefer walking but that’s not the point, I didn’t tell them that. Mine was not the first though, several friends have replaced theirs twice and one is on their fourth bike! My replacement will have to wait. Man, that seat was really nice too. Best thing about the bike. At least we followed instructions and bought junkers. I had several people tell me how bu hao (bad) my bike was. I thought that meant it was safe. It would have been, maybe, without my nice seat. Oh well! Such things will happen, right?

Think Happy Thoughts!

Gravity is a contributing factor in nearly 73 percent of all accidents involving falling objects.
-Dave Barry


  1. WOW! Quite the eventful day! :-O Adds new meaning to xiǎo xīn!!!
    PS Jenny has embarked on a rather daunting task... trying to teach this blonde to speak some simple Chinese! I'll let your imagine how that is going... :)
    zài jiàn

  2. Sorry about your bike. Maybe someone thought it was much better than theirs or maybe it was the seat. Sounds like it may be safer to walk...if you watch the manholes and the buses! In France, they would run over you without a second thought! Be careful!!!


  3. I am trying to tell my mother about this one blog and I tell her that they steal pot holes over there. Mom wants to know how they do that. I correct myself and say pot hole covers....Then I come to and tell her "it's like Warner Brothers over there!"---Sharon


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