Thursday, October 9, 2008

About China

This is just to give everyone a little info on China.

China is the second largest country in Asia by area after Russia, and is considered the third largest in the world (or fourth depending on who’s counting) in respect to land and sea area. China borders 14 nations (counted clockwise from south): Vietnam, Laos, Burma, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia, and North Korea.
The territory of the PRC contains a large variety of landscapes. In the east, along the shores of the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea, there are extensive and densely populated alluvial plains, while on the edges of the Inner Mongolian plateau in the north, grasslands can be seen. Southern China is dominated by hill country and low mountain ranges. In the central-east are the deltas of China's two major rivers, the Yellow River and Yangtze River (Chang Jiang). Other major rivers include the Xi, Mekong, Brahmaputra and Amur.
To the west, major mountain ranges, notably the Himalayas, with China's highest point at the eastern half of Mount Everest, and high plateaus feature among the more arid landscapes such as the Taklamakan Desert and the Gobi Desert.
China's geography causes an uneven population distribution; 94 percent live in the eastern third of the country. Shandong province, with its mild coastal climate, has more than 90 million people, but Tibet, with its harsh mountain plateau climate, has less than 3 million. The coastal regions are the most economically developed—acting as a magnet for an estimated 150 million Chinese migrants from the poor rural interior. This figure, from 2008, grows by an estimated 10 million Chinese each year.
China has perhaps the world's longest continuous civilization; for more than 40 centuries its people created a culture with strong philosophies, traditions, and values. The start of the Han dynasty 2,200 years ago marked the rise of military power that created an empire—one that provided a golden age in art, politics, and technology. Ethnic Chinese still refer to themselves as the "People of Han," and Han Chinese constitute 92 percent of the country's population.
Fast Facts
Population: 1,303,701,000
Capital: Beijing; 10,849,000
Area: 9,596,960 square kilometers(3,705,405 square miles)
Language: Chinese (Mandarin), Cantonese, other dialects and minority languages
Religion: Taoist, Buddhist, Muslim
Currency: yuan, also referred to as the Renminbi
Life Expectancy: 71
GDP per Capita: U.S. $4,700
Literacy Percent: 86
References: Wikipedia and National

Sometimes here it feels like I am in an episode of Star Trek, and the universal translator is broken. Good thing I don't have a red shirt. - Frank


  1. uh... yeah... my library computer won't process that information... but i do have a red shirt though! the trick is, i run AWAY from strange smells and alien foods! lol!

  2. All I can say is that Amanda recommended this blog for my insomnia. Thank you for a quick cure. Is this part of the Chinese medicine you picked up in your travels?-Sharon

  3. What?!? Look, mama! Frank's quoting WIKIPEDIA!


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