Monday, November 17, 2008

The Sun Will Come Out...

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I know it has been some time since you have heard from me. Sorry about that. We went through a few weeks of sickness coupled with bad weather, but that seems to be behind us now. Sickness is expected since the body is bombarded with so many new things, germs, pollutants, etc. Ours was much milder than others. When the sun came out again, I went out to soak it in and found a nice park. Everyone else must have read my mind because the place was packed. There were street performers, and hawkers galore. The most interesting one was the cotton candy guy. He had a pretty neat setup on his bike as you can hopefully see in the picture. (If you click on the pic it should enlarge, please let us know if this works.) The propane heat came out the center of his pan and he spun the sugar by pedaling. Nifty. It tastes pretty much the same too. For some reason, a foreigner eating cotton candy was the most hilarious thing many of them had ever seen. Old ladies could not stop turning around to giggle at me as I walked along pulling at the white puff in my hand. Cotton candy, as far as I know, did not originate in China! Someone correct me if I am wrong on that. Anyway, I brought smiles and laughter to many that day.

I was so grateful to at last see the sun, that I soaked in it a bit much. You can tell I had my shades on too, sort of a reverse- raccoon look. That is strange for them as well. Any sane person knows that you carry your umbrella on sunny days to prevent tanning. I must be crazy!

PS- We have been experiencing difficulties with loading pics and viewing our own blog, please let us know if you are able to see the pics in the upcoming blogs. Thanks to everyone for their encouraging comments, keep them coming!


What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.
Joseph Addison


  1. Yep, the pictures work. I clicked on one and they all popped up.
    Completely understandable about wanting to get into all the sunshine. It's been rainy here; the only difference is that here, when the sun finally does come out, the pictures aren't as good. It looked beautiful in the park. Mandy, somehow the thought of you in sunglasses never made me think of a raccoon. Now Ken..... :)


  2. The pictures work fine! (Pretty neat actually the way you can click and make bigger) I'm impressed by the kid balancing on the bottles!

    Glad to know the sun is out for you. : )

  3. I hope you guys are through the sickness. I know when it hits & lingers, it is miserable. The pictures are great. You should really think about publishing a book when you get back. I would buy it (and at full price too. LOL). How is the apartment coming? Did all of your furniture get delivered? Hope this note finds you in "sunny place". Love ya, Sara

  4. I agree! At least publish a book of pictures. Your pictures are GREAT! I love them.


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