Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Bowl in Thailand

I have watched every Super Bowl since 1985. Last year and the year before, I had to watch the "Big game" on a little computer screen. This year, however, I was able to watch it on a big screen at a sports bar in Krabi, and what is more my favorite team the Green Bay Packers were one of the teams that made it to the NFL championship game. Upon arriving in Thailand, I began inquiring as to where I could watch the game with almost everyone I met that spoke English. You should have seen the looks I got. "Super Bowl, what is that?" Eventually, I met an Australian who is married to a local girl and he was able to point me in the right direction. So, at 6:30 this morning, Amanda and I along, with about 20 to 25 other Americans crowded, first into a hostel lobby and then at half time we moved to the sport bar, for the showdown. The game was a classic battle, with many turns in momentum. It seemed that everyone was emotionally invested in the game, although there were only 2 Steelers fans in the group. They did not leave happy. I did. The packers take the trophy home and I get to spend the afternoon on the beach. It doesn't get much better than that. -Frank

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