Thursday, May 21, 2009

Should I Get In the Hot Tub?

Last week we were invited to join some friends as they visited the nearby hot springs. I was sick all week so I really didn't feel up to going but then I realized that we will soon be leaving China and I had better seize the opportunity while I have the chance. Going to a hot spring, spa, and resort is definitely not something we can afford in the US. Also, if I didn't go I would be passing on the opportunity to relive a classic SNL (Saturday Night Live) skit; James Brown's Celebrity Hot Tub. (If you have never seen this skit, check it out at this link: So on an overcast, cool morning we made the hour long trip to the spa. Once we arrived, it didn't take long for me to realize that I had made the right decision. The resort had over twenty pools, filled with different types of water. There was a coconut milk pool, a green apple pool, and a pool with rose petals. One pool had tiny fish in it to eat the dead skin off your body. Basically, the fish serve as a glorified loofah. In Japan, this is a very popular and very expensive treatment, but we got to experience it with the price of admission (which was less than $20 US). One of my favorite pools was filled with red Kool Aid. Don't worry, I know it looks like I tasted it but that was all staged for the picture. As I settled into the water, however, I did say the obligatory "Oh Yeah"! We finished our visit to the spa with a dip in a traditional hot tub. One of our friends said it looked like I was in the pot of some hostile natives, slowly cooking. Thankfully though, the natives were friendly and the only thing they were cooking was good Chinese food for a good price. Five of us ate for around $15. All in all, I am very glad that I listened to my friends and accompanied them. We now know of a nice place to visit this winter, when it is cold what can be better than being in a hot tub. - Frank


  1. Between this post and Amanda's post I am sooooooo wanting to go there now. I am hiding in your suitcase when you go back. See you soon! Sara

  2. Okay, now I'm jealous...haven't been...until now!

  3. Hi You 2!
    How about a little blast from the past? Frankie have you played any chess lately? :) Sorry I missed you before you left US. Your folks know how to reach me if you want. Sorry couldnt figger out how to email you from here(first time blogger lol).
    By the way your pics made me go to a local spa for a whirlpool & massage!! 60 bucks and an hour I'll never get back ;)
    Your Leukos Philos,
    PS Victor, Jeremy, Gonzo & Alvin J. send regards.


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