Sunday, October 19, 2008

Babies Anyone?

I have had so many requests for Chinese babies, (as in, bring them home in your suitcase requests), that I thought I should create an order form of sorts. You know, to keep things organized. Seriously, China has some of the cutest kids. Let me introduce you to some:

This little girl was not afraid of Frank, even let him hold her. That says enough right there, don't you think?

She was a bit shy about having her picture taken. Her face sells a lot of blankets and pillows though.

These two are very handy. They do their own shopping.
Don't they look like two tiny adults?
"Step aside, we have things to do,
places to go and people to meet".

You can save so much money because diapers are not necessary! That's what sidewalks are for! No kidding!

This little guy is quite the explorer.
He was half-way down the market lane
before his father realized he was gone.

They don't mind being wrapped up like a
sack of potatoes and slung onto the back.
They love it! It means snuggling with Grandma.
Who doesn't love that?

They aren't picky eaters either. I'm not sure what he picked up, but it must be good.

How can you not love them?
So just let me know who wants which,
and I will send... their pics!


Families with babies and families without are so sorry for each other.-- Ed Howe


  1. Ok, now... I had just gotten to the point in my life where I said "I don't want anymore babies!!" Thanks for ruining that for me. hee - hee. (Not really, but they are cute) Hope you guys are sleeping ok. Love ya, Sara

  2. hi this alexis i am missing you! I am happy! (lexi said the ! is an explanation mark :-)

    Hey guys the kids are cute but I like your quote even better cause its very true! Until you have kids of your own you just dont understand why people want them so badly. Their awesome! (usually)

  3. Ok Thanks for the pics. We will have one of each. How much will be shipping on them?? Talk to ya later -Mike n Jeanie

  4. uh... yeah, about that... that's ok, but i REALLY appreciate the offer! lol!

  5. Love the pic of the last little girl!!! She's so adorable. And that hair, so cute.

  6. You know how your mother said "shop with your eyes not with your hands"? It is a good thing I am not there. I wouldn't be able not to touch and pick up and kiss on all those babies. Oh and the one with the open backside would be getting a pinch! too cute! The going on the sidewalk thing is a drawback. I am not so big on that one.--Sharon


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